Tuesday, May 1, 2007

smoking bans

Ever wonder what it would be like to own your own buisness?

how about a bar?

in my home state you can own a bar but you cant let people smoke in it. so you own the place you decide what to buy and serve but you cant decide what bans you have such as cigars or ciggaretes.

why does it seem that the ban supporters have said "oh this law will not hurt the bars because us non smokers will now go to bars" I call bull on that every bar i have passed with exception to the sports bars that were eating establishments that were non smoking before the ban have empty parking lots and lots of seating space free. where as preban they were vibrant and packed. where are all these nonsmoking bar patrons that were supposed to save these bars??

right where they were before in the same nonsmoking place the were before home/movies/anywhere but the bars. every bar i have gone to since the ban has been a ghost of its former self. every time i go out i pass another closed bar or bar that for untold amout of years was open 7 days now only open on weekends. most of the above mentioned non smokers are in the clubs that have been nonsmoking for years and arent going to leave thier "spot". meanwhile all of us other regulars have to sit in the cold in a bar that never wanted to force us out. people rail on about smoking but covientlly leave out the fact that bars sell alcohol which in most studies is more dangerous but not chic like smoking bans are. this isnt california or NYC its jersey. if you dont like smoke its easy dont go where people chose to serve them. i dont like the fact i have to inhale all the pollution for your SUV but does that give me the right to ban you from NJ? no even tho your SUV puts out more pollution in a day then i as a smoker can in one year?

sorry just tired of self rightous a holes that think they are saving me guess what i dont want your saving or help i decide what i do and the owners of those bars should be able to decide whom they serve.

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